ID 19 "Parisienne", made in Heidelberg, Australia.

version en français:


The Citroën ID 19 "Parisienne" was produced in West Heidelberg (Dougharty Road), Australia.

Here a picture of the factory, dating from 1962.

The seats were specific (australian made, in a vinyl copying the leather from Slough), in a style close to the "Citroën ID Luxe" pattern that was sold at the time in France.

The dashboard was a standard Javel RHD production, with a significant change in shape in 65. Here a picture of the pre-65 version.
Few numbers were produced in Heidelberg (Aussie ID19 production was about 300 per year....... about 1500 total, between 1961 and 1966), and very few survived.

Buckle Motors (the Sidney dealer) sold these in NSW, and attached their identification plate (as shown in this picture below) aboce the one from the Heidelberg factory.

You can visit this link to see a wreck of one of those Aussie IDs :

Far more impressive, here are pictures (credits to Andrew Murray) of a beautiful 1966 model, one of the last produced in Heidelberg.

The seats are original, all in red. Two-tones skai did also exist in "Parisiennes", mostly before 1963 (i would appreciate to find some good pictures of these).


Here something funny: the button-style brake pedal.
This might upset people using this criteria to make for sure the difference between DS and ID.

But the Spare Pieces catalog mentions that french IDs for exportation (RHD) had "DS style" brake pedals, starting in Oct 62.

And it was the same rule for Heidelberg.

See also the downloadable documents at the end of the page.



Here is the chassis plate. The "body" number... in fact the engine number, as know on french plates.

And after "COLOUR", i read "225 6761".

I don't know the meaning of the first three figures.

But the following 4 are for the body colour

according to fellows from the Aussie frogs forum, the following Dulux references are known:

0070 Black
4318 Angora White
4319 Lido Blue
4320 Curaçao
4322 Vert Reims
4323 Boulogne Green
4326 ?
4618 ?
4981 Mistral Grey
4988 Alouette Ivory
5376 Carmen Rouge
5394 Olive Green
6761 ?
9936 Charcoal Grey

therefore the 6761 code will be... the Still Unknown white !

Observed codes on plates are these (in bold are the ones proven by pictures)

222 0070
222 4318
222 4319

222 4320
222 4323
222 4326 
222 4618
222 4988
225 6761

And here is an illustration of some identified colours:

4318 Angora White (illustrated on a Slough-built 1958 ID, repainted in Angora white) 4319 Lido Blue
4320 Curaçao 4323 Boulogne Green
0070 Black 5394 Olive Green

In the "Gallery" part of my homepage, i also present 2 more ID Parisienne

This one, 1962, that is not in an original colour.

However, she will show you her treasures and more details about the early "Parisienne". Click on the picture below to discover her details.

And this one, 1964, also not in her original colour.
Click on the picture below to discover her details.

And to conclude this article, you have the opportunity to download here two original documents (1961 and 1964):

Price Wise Parisienne
Meet the Parisienne